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June 2, 2010
The Nibiru: Ancient Legends by =samborek. Enjoy this exquisite ancient web design! The amount of fine details is simply mind-blowing. A very dedicated and unique work indeed.
Featured by Lilyas
samborek's avatar

The Nibiru: Ancient Legends



DOWNLOAD for epic look

v.2 with more contrast: [link]

Hi guys

And here I come with my latest and biggest website project ever :D and I'm really satisfied with this - maybe 95% of what I wanted but I'm not sure how to finish it perfectly at current lvl ;]

Site looks sexier from some distance :P

Some details:

Time: 2 - 3 weeks
Layers : ~2000
Software: PS CS4
Stocks: like 7 with textures
:iconpeace-of-art: :iconcastock: :iconalp-stock:
:iconkhalidia: :icontailcat:
Tools: Wacom Intuos 4 M , some beers, food, one dog and Kermit the frog

and some more xD

If You don't know what nibiru is, search on google, read content of my project and watch this film :

It's universal - polish and english version [link]

Go !

New sexy projects soon!


OMG I've got DD , amazing , thanks You :iconlilyas: so much :hug:
I hope contrast is not screwed
Image size
1788x1938px 2.67 MB
© 2010 - 2024 samborek
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Rolexander's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

When I look at this artwork I see an amazingly detailed web interface. The colours, the the fonts, the logo, the stunning lighting effects, the unique art style, the amount of details and the overall feel and look are gorgeous. It doesn't even look like a web interface, but more like a stunning 3D game visuals. The whole layout has a "life" to it.

From a practical view point however this isn't very "plastic" design that will look good in all resolutions. It also contains a lot of heavy graphic elements. Therefore the page will load slowly for people with weak or unstable internet connection.

My final thought: It's a great piece of art, but like I mentioned - I don't see this being very suitable for an actual website. Your work is fantastic though.